By Kyle Peveto, Opinion Editor
Column Schmolumn
I haven’t given much thought to graduation.
I haven’t boxed up any stuff or cleaned my amazingly filthy home. I guess I suffer from denial about actually leaving.
Maybe I fear jinxing it. Like the second I mention it I’ll find out I failed some class and I’ll be back here.
After spending five years here, I retain many great memories. My top-five, desert-island memories are:
1. Watching a hallmate steal the door off a guy’s room and waiting hours until he noticed. Ah, the pain we inflicted upon him.
2. Hitting my roommate Steve in the shoulder with a hubcap from at least 50 feet down the street while he rode his bike home from nine o’clock devo.
3. Not speaking to my roommate for more than two weeks freshman year. We weren’t mad at each other; we just didn’t want to get to know each other.
4. Receiving angry landlord letters about illegal pets, holes in the wall, general filth indoors and out, tearing down our fence, driving in the yard, keeping crusty couches in front and turning the yard into a jungle safari.
5. What’s done in club stays in club. I’ll never forget.
In the words of Bob Dylan in “Tangled Up in Blue,” “Keep on keepin’ on.”