Brian Peacock, Secretary Emeritus, Gamma Sigma Phi
I believe [a column in Sunday’s issue] concerning pledging was misleading. The author claims to be an insider into the pledging process of a men’s social club.
As a former officer for the club that the author pledged, I know for a fact that the author left the pledging process less than a week into what is a five – week experience. His view is not that of an insider. In fact, it may be even more skewed than a complete outsider because he witnessed only a small fraction of what the entire process entails.
The [column], which does a very poor job of keeping Gamma Sigma Phi anonymous, represents a smear against a campus organization that truly does provide, for many, an intensely spiritual experience. We would never claim it is more than just one way to experience a deeper kind of faith.
No organization is perfect, and social clubs certainly aren’t. But no one is helped by an inadequate, uninformed account of the pledging process that claims to be more than it is.