Rainbows make people happy. Food can make people happy. Put the two together and I am pretty sure that is a recipe for world peace.
I’m always on the look out for eclectic recipes. If you have read my past blog posts, you know that I am not the best cook. Alright, alright, I’m horrible, but I’m learning. My desire to become a perfect cook leads me to surf the Internet for unusual foodie blogs and recipe websites.
The answer to my quest: tablespoon.com.
This website presents some unusual, very unusual recipes.
So remember my theory for world peace? Rainbow cheescake. Lets get a few of these baking and sent over to Middle East. Problem solved. I’m serious, rainbows are that amazing.
Okay, so maybe it wouldn’t solve everything, but it probably would open negotations.
Tablespoon.com offers some recipes I have never even thought about. How about Red Velvet Chicken Fingers? Yes, chicken dipped in a red velvet batter. Apparently the flavors blend well together. There are hundreds of other recipes posted on this blog. Just a quick browse could uncover how to make homemade hot sauce, tofu and even uncover the meaning of childhood songs.
I remember singing the nursery song, “Hot Cross Buns.” I never knew they actually exsisted. The site even has a recipe to make these coveted buns and apparently they are delicious.
So get some friends together to take a stab at one of the eclectic recipes offered by tablespoon.com.
Oh, and if you make a rainbow cheesecake, send it my way.
Bon Appetit.