The funds necessary to cover the production of Sing Song are more than covered by the revenue from ticket sales, sponsorship from other organizations and auxiliary sales, said Tom Craig, director of student productions.
“Sing Song is a self-funding event,” Craig said. “Everything we make pays for the show – the sound system, lights, the stage.”
The Abilene Cultural Affairs Council sponsored a portion of Sing Song 2012.
“They give us a grant that is designed for performing arts,” Craig said. “They like to help us because we enhance the arts in Abilene.”
The ACU Alumni Association also provides some of the funding for the show. Together, the three shows draw about 8,000 guests, many of which are alumni and parents of students, Craig said.
“We make enough money to be able to offer upstage winners prize money,” Craig said.
Winners from each of the three categories, women’s social clubs, men’s social clubs and mixed voices, will receive $1,000 in prize money to donate to the charity of their choice.
Audience members can also purchase Sing Song themed T-shirts and DVDs at or in the Moody concourse. Mallorie Frank, campus activities coordinator and assistant director, said auxiliary sales also help revenue.
“Parents can order flowers online, and pick them up here,” Frank said.
Online ordering for flowers ended Thursday.