I graduate from college in a week. And it seems like only three years I was graduating from high school.
The Nostalgia Effect
I may have had a shorter stay at ACU than most, but that doesn’t mean I’m not sad to be leaving my dear Christian College, nor does it mean I haven’t acquired any outstanding memories along the way:
Watching every episode of The Office in a few weekends of my freshman year with my good friend Jonathan Martin.
Continuing my Office fandom to the point I can tell you the season and episode any quote or reference is found.
Growing my hair out all freshman year.
Meeting Jon Foreman of Switchfoot.
Asking my best friend to be my girlfriend too.
Proudly leading the Optimist, the most excellent overall student newspaper in Texas.
Thank Yous
There’s a lot of people I’d like to thank for everything they’ve done in helping me walk the stage next week.
First off, my coworkers: It’s been a pleasure. I learned something from each of you, and I hope you can say the same about me. You’re why I enjoyed my time on staff. Thank you for all your hard work.
The JMC Department: Thank you for the education and experience you’ve offered. It’s an excellent section of the university, and I’m blessed to be a part of it.
Kenneth: Thank you for convincing me to expand my journalism outside of sports, for making me analyze typefaces and for all the advice and guidance. Missed you this semester.
Optimist readers: Thank you for reading. I’ve enjoyed being able to hand you the final product of our hard work for the past couple years.
Meredith: Thank you for being my best friend. You’re patient and supportive, even when work steals me from you. You’re fantastic and I can’t wait to see what’s next for us.
And my parents: Thank you for your dedication and care in the past three years and the 18 before that. Thank you for supporting me in my college career and for all you’ve done; I’m forever grateful.
To the Lowerclassmen
Marissa Jones will be the editor-in-chief of next year’s Optimist and she’s going to be fantastic. The Optimist will be in more-than-capable hands next year. Marissa asked me to write down nuggets of advice she should know for next year, and in doing so, I realized I have some advice for the ACU freshmen and sophomores.
Enjoy the Bean. You’ll miss it and its ridiculously good cookies after moving off campus.
Freshmen, don’t get involved in much; make friends, enjoy free time, sleep in and save being busy for next year.
Find a TV show and become a part of it. Become so familiar with it you can tell your friends which episode a quote is from. For me, it was The Office, and I regret nothing.
Take advantage of the Rec Center. I sure wish I had that my freshman year.
Not Your Average Editor
If not for Madden video games, I wouldn’t have come to ACU. In creating a new player, who was me, in the game, I had to choose a college my fictional player attended. ACU, the list being in alphabetical order, was the default choice. Later, when looking for schools, ACU came to mind, so I figured I’d apply. It worked out.
It’s amazing to realize that in a short college career, I am so different than Welcome Week. At that time, I hadn’t read the Optimist, I hadn’t seen an episode of The Office, and I’d never met my best friend, Meredith. Got to say, I’m happy with the way it’s turned out.
Well ACU, I’m about to make like a tree and get out of here. Good night, and good luck.