It’s hard to believe that just a year ago I was hanging out with my high school graduating class during our spring break trip at the beach. Since that point, I’ve graduated, moved my life across the world, made new friends, gained new experiences and learned a lot of lessons. Here’s a list of things I’d tell my past self if I had the chance in regards to my freshman year.
A quick way to make friends is to jam to some 80s music, and look around to see if anyone else is bobbing their head or jamming on their air guitar.
The best way not to gain the freshman fifteen; don’t go for seconds. Just eat everything you have on the first plate. Also, take advantage of the Rec center; make it your second or third home.
Have the healthy assumption that as soon as you arrive in America, you are an adult that can take care of yourself and no one is going to help you. That way when people do help me do my laundry, move my stuff, drive me to church or lend me spare winter underwear, I consider it a big deal and accept it with the upmost gratitude.
Speaking of winter underwear, don’t forget to pack some winter clothing.
The only justification to lie is when you’re keeping a surprise engagement party a secret from your sister.
Situations go much more smoothly when you admit your mistakes rather than deny them. Nobody wins if you deny your mistakes. This technique got me out of tight social situations more than once.
Listen more than you speak.
Let your actions and words speak. That is how people will see you, no matter what you tell them you are on the inside. You might tell yourself you have a kind heart, but we won’t believe you if you’re dropkicking puppies every Saturday night.
Girls may be getting the talk about staying pure, saying no and protecting yourself. Let’s acknowledge that those lessons apply to guys too.
Being in a relationship with someone opens a Pandora’s Box of possibilities. It can be great, but it’s a double-edged sword.
Look up from your screen; it will still be there after you enjoy the company of the people around you. Those people won’t be there forever.
Lastly, there is no time like the college time. I highly recommend writing your experiences down so you can look back on the memories you’ll make. Your brain won’t stay sharp forever.