Some travel delays did not keep three Duck Dynasty cast members from visiting campus and sharing their story with ACU students and the Abilene community Sunday night.
A student event was scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. but, because weather delayed their flight, it did not start until 5 p.m. But, once it began, Alan Robertson set the stage for his uncle, Si Robertson and Alan’s wife, Lisa Robertson. He began the event by addressing how Duck Dynasty became a TV show.
Alan said his father, Phil Robertson, knew NFL star Terry Bradshaw when they played college football together at Louisiana Tech University. Not long ago, Bradshaw and Phil ran into each other in Los Angeles and initiated an idea for the popular series Duck Dynasty.
“We can do something with what I have a passion for, which is the outdoors,” Alan said recalling what his father said.
The family has used the television show as an outlet to depict what they are passionate about, and by doing so they are giving the glory to God, Alan said.
“The Almighty must want us on television for some reason,” he said.
Si entered the stage with his signature turquoise green cup that fans of the show would recognize and a jug of sweet tea.
Alan asked Si to talk about the book that he wrote, “Si-Cology.”
“That’s the story of my life,” Si said. “Ninety-five percent of that is true.”
Alan said so much filming can get tiring for the Robertsons.

Uncle Si, Alan and Lisa Robertson share their faith to Duck Dynasty fans at Faith Calls. (Optimist photo by Paige Otway)
“Ultimately, what keeps us motivated is that we’re making a difference in our country,” Alan said.
Si brought a short poem called “Heaven’s Grocery Store” that he read to the crowd. At the end of the poem, he closed with a final note of encouragement.
“Jesus paid my bill a long time ago,” he said, “and I’m sure he paid your bill too.”
The Robertsons left the stage with a loud standing ovation from audience members.
“I really enjoyed it, I thought they did a great job,” said Blake Harpold, sophomore information systems major from Fredericksburg.
“What I really liked was that the show has impacted a lot of families,” Harpold said.
The Robertsons told students they are capable of doing all things.
“I think that is the whole message of the deal is that Christ can change lives,” Harpold said, “Continue to seek him and you will be able to do things. Your life will be so much more fulfilling than you could ever imagine. It’s more than just them sitting and praying together at the end, God is working through the show to reach a lot of different people.”
The Robertsons said faith has brought them this far.
“I thought it was really cool how they are so open about their faith,” said Bryan Herz, freshman communication major from Perryton. “They brought someone in that was a significant figure in society but also they play a monumental role in the Christian community as well.”

Phil Schubert, an ACU alum, Uncle Si, Alan and Lisa Robertson pray out the Faith Calls event. (Optimist photo by Deanna Romero)