Abilene residents can get bubble tea at a take-away sushi kitchen called Little Ninja.
Owned by Coco and Ji Li, Little Ninja opened three weeks ago on Buffalo Gap Rd. near Starbucks. The Lis have owned several restaurants in other states and came to Abilene when they heard the former Golden Dragon was for sale.
“Some people don’t have much money and want to eat sushi, but they can’t afford it,” Coco Li said. “We offer good quality at a lower price.”
Regular rolls cost just $5 and tempura fried rolls cost $7. Li’s husband worked at a sushi restaurant in New York City and hired all his chefs from New York City as well.
AM Donuts also sells bubble or boba tea, an Asian drink made with milk tea and tapioca balls.
“For myself, I want a drink everyday,” Li said. “For the customer, I want them to know the treasure of the bubble tea.”
Tapioca bobas made fresh daily can be combined with milk tea, pineapple, mango, mocha, strawberry, coconut, green tea and other flavors. Little Ninja features regular, mango and yogurt flavored bobas and flavored jellies, which can be added to any tea drink.