Worldwide Witness sent 64 students to do mission work in 25 different countries in the summer.
A few of the countries students worked in include Ghana, Cambodia, Brazil, Croatia and Haiti. Domestically, students worked in Orlando, Dallas, Abilene and Conroe.
Jack Oduro, junior accounting major from Ateiku, Ghana, has participated in Worldwide Witness for one year but is no stranger to the mission field.
Oduro’s parents operate Rural Evangelism Development Projects, where he returned to do mission work this summer. Oduro mainly worked in the mission’s hospital office, but his group assisted in constructing three water wells for the village. One well, Oduro said, was built by Dallas Christian Schools in honor of Hudson Wade, an 11-year-old Abilene native that lost his battle with leukemia earlier this year.
For Oduro, the trip solidified his belief that Christians are meant to pass along the gospel through kinship and good deeds.
“There’s a reason why Jesus said, ‘Go all into the world,'” Oduro said. “Being in the middle of the action is unlike any other thing you have experienced. You get to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Children play with students in El Salvador: Photo courtesy of Kara Ory
Kara Ory, junior social work major from Walnut Creek, California, went to El Salvador to intern with Project Red, an organization that assists the families of orphans. She said the trip impacted her so much that she changed her major.
“I got to see what social workers do and how they helped all those families and I decided I wanted to help people that way, too,” Ory said.
Director of Worldwide Witness, Larry Henderson, said although the program has many locations across the globe, if a student has a mission or location they would like to visit, he tries to connect that student with their desired location.
“We have locations on every continent except Antarctica, and we’re happy to work with students to put them in a place they would like to go,” Henderson said. “We have our locations already, but if students know of missionaries working in new places they would like to go, we’re happy to work with them to make it happen.”