Ryker Ratliff
Passion Week will celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from March 25-28. The four-day event will consist of spiritual formation events for students to earn Chapel credits.
Ryker Ratliff, sophomore youth and family ministry major from Garland, said anyone on and off campus can join in the events at no cost.
“It’s really just like celebrating his life and his death and resurrection,” Ratliff said.
Robert Oglesby, director of Center for Youth and Family Ministry, will also be a part of Passion Week.
“I think this is the first time that they’ve done something like this,” Oglesby said. “Especially student-led.”
The first day will have a student-led worship night. This will include musicians, student worship leaders and have Oglesby as a speaker. Oglesby will talk on the topic of worship.
The second day will be a time of prayer. This will feature Amanda Pittman, and students will meet at The Ascension. Students will spread out and pray over campus before coming together at Jacob’s Dream. Pittman will discuss prayer and remembrance.
The third day will include communion at the Quad. Jerry Taylor will speak about Passover, communion and the Last Supper.
The fourth day will feature a showing for Passion of the Christ at Chapel on the Hill. College professors, including Randy Harris and Chris Flanders, will offer a talkback after the film. The talkback will be an interactive critique between the professors and the audience.
Each event will start at 7 p.m. on their respective days.
For more information, contact Ryker Ratliff at rlr16a@acu.edu or Robert Oglesby at oglesbyr@acu.edu.