SGA held its annual ACU Fest at the Campus Mall on Thursday, bringing the community of Abilene to our newest students. The event brought together student organizations, local churches, the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), the International Students Association (ISA), and various multicultural groups, offering attendees the chance to learn about the myriad engagement opportunities available on campus as well as different spiritual life activities off campus.
- Members of Hillcrest Church of Christ pray over students at ACU Fest. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- A new student signs up at the Film Fest table. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Representatives from The Well College Ministries talk to new students. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- New students chat in front of the ACU Wildlife Society table. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Students browse offerings from Purple Outfitters. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Students visit the ACU Voice table. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Staff from TRIO Student Support Servieces host a table at ACU Fest. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Andrew Heck, sophomore engineering major from Yukon, Oklahoma, and Caleb Danchak, freshman kinesiology major from Euless, play a game of chess. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Members of BSU wave to a friend. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Members of Pioneer College Ministry talk with new students. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Members of Sisters, an organization designed to create a safe space for minority women, sit at a table. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Students sign up for The Picklebal Club at ACU Fest. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Students chat at ACU Fest. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Members of Conversations with Every Nation Campus Ministries talk to new students. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Members of ACU College Republicans talk to an incoming student. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)