Bob Goff spoke about loving others and leading students well to donors at the presidential circle dinner.
Goff is a speaker, a New York Times best-selling author of Love Does and Everybody, Always. He is an Honorary Consul to Uganda and founder of the human rights organization Love Does. He is also an adjunct law professor at Pepperdine University.
During his time as a professor, he has learned that faith and loving others do not have to be complicated or fancy but can simply mean showing up for others.
“So instead just call it Tuesday, you don’t have to call it ministry to just show up,” said Goff. “Even in our faith communities do not use 20 pound words to describe massive ideas, just keep it super simple.”
As a New York Times best-selling author of four books, Love Does, Everybody Always, Undistracted and Dream Big, Goff told college students to begin collecting stories and writing them down as a way to testify who God is and what he has done.
“Go through these relationships that matter, the relationships that are confusing, dig down,” said Goff. “You have the God of the universe that says I know everything before you ask it. And he says, Make your requests known to God. But He says I already know it. So, the whole idea is to make your requests known to yourself. Just find words.”
In his speech, Goff did not only discuss students he also said that he believed the role of those in leadership positions with college students are meant to hold up a mirror to help the students understand who they are and who they are meant to be.