The sororities and fraternities kicked off their New Member Orientation on Bid Day as they began their two-week pledging process. Clubs and their sponsors gathered at designated locations on and off campus to complete various tasks as instructed by their officers. The new members will spend the next two weeks learning about their club’s traditions and meeting current members.
- Scrappies form a line near the Bullock Hall patio. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Hailey Richardson, scrapmaster for Tri Kappa Gamma and senior child and family services major from Georgetown, stands behind the Scrappies. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Brats form a line on the steps of the Hardin Administration building. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Sam Ash, Brat dad for Frater Sodalis and senior engineering major from Stephens, Georgia, speaks to the Brats. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- The Women of Delta Theta stand in front of the newest Biddies at The Quad. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Ainsley Mullins, junior representative for Delta Theta and junior psychology major from Katy, talks to the new Biddies at The Quad. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- The Men of Gamma Sigma Phi snap their fingers as directed by the club officers. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Siblings of Gamma Sigma Phi hold watermelons at the Beauchamp Amphitheater. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- The newest Squires of Nu Kappa Psi listen to directions in the Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Novas form a line on Galaxy Field while listening to instructions from club officers. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Novas attempt to pitch a tent on Galaxy Field. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
- Novas leap over each other on Galaxy Field. (Photo by Sarah Eunyoung Thompson)
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