Spring Break is here and we’ve got one week of class-free, sun-drenched bliss in which to bask. Perhaps you’re going on a campaign, visiting friends or lounging around, but in case you’re at a loss and can’t fill your week, the Optimist has you covered.
March 13: It’s the first day of Spring Break, but it feels like a regular weekend. Wake up when you wake up, brush your teeth, shove the textbooks out of your way, and meditate on the fact you won’t be sitting in class the day after tomorrow. Let that thought soak in. Let it ease your tension, and slip into a nice midday nap.
March 14: Brush your teeth and go to church. As you walk out of church, remember you’re missing one week of Chapel – does ACU policy really allow this? Go home, and plan five days of Chapel and two devos. Be sure to differentiate between the two – invite friends and family over for Chapel. Compile a list of announcements and sing your favorite praise songs. Devos will take place on your own time when you’re alone in your room. Don’t forget candles.
March 15: It’s Monday, and you do not have to go to class; rejoice! Brush your teeth, go to Chapel, and begin your escapades on this glorious Monday. Today’s escapades include dropping by Blockbuster and renting multiple seasons of the X-Files. You don’t want to turn your brain into total mush, so draft a few short answer questions, and answer them within 50 minutes of finishing each episode. You’ve had a long day – go to your room and have a devo, then head to bed and rest up for tomorrow.
March 16: It has been a few days since you’ve talked to your friends, unless they’ve been attending Chapel. Get up, brush your teeth, go to Chapel, and call your top five friends. Ask how they’re doing, and when they answer, listen. Their rambling won’t make you late for class, and who knows, maybe you’ll end up with another Chapel attendee tomorrow. Once you’ve made the calls, go to www.yogatoday.com, create an account with a quirky username and ease yourself into hibernation with a few yoga sessions. No devo tonight.
March 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Brush your teeth and go to Chapel. Be sure to wear green and violently pinch any attendees who aren’t. Dress yourself in the most outrageous St. Patrick’s-inspired outfit you can come up with and head out. Maybe bring a few friends along. Who can talk with an Irish accent longest? Eat out for lunch, and convince the waiter you’re of Irish descent. That’s enough excitement for one day – go home and have your last devo. Calm yourself, and head to bed. You’re too good for those crazed St. Patrick’s Day parties anyway.
March 18: No need to leave the house today. Brush your teeth, go to Chapel and make yourself a meal that does not consist of cereal, peanut butter and jelly or Ramen. There’s no need to eat like a college student this week. Eat yourself into a food coma, then if you can, play the Sims or Tetris till your eyes are bloodshot. You’re exhausted; you should go to bed.
March 19: Brush your teeth and get pumped for Praise Day. Don’t forget to sing Highways and Byways and make sure you keep track of the five extra Chapel credits, you clever student, you. Not to disappoint, but Spring Break is technically over, and you’ve got a regular weekend ahead of you. Open up that planner and get cracking on homework. Yes, it’s Friday, but you didn’t do any homework this week and must now suffer the consequences. Take hourly breaks and zone out to Tyler Florence’s culinary brilliance on The Food Network. You decide how you want to spend your Friday evening – make a wise decision.
March 20: Today is a day for exercise. You’ve been a lazy bum all week and need to get those endorphins going. Brush your teeth and run somewhere that is not the Lunsford Trail. Hit the gym since you can’t do that on campus yet and burn at least 1,000 calories. We promise you can do it, and you’ll feel like a new person.
March 21: Brush your teeth, go to church and get excited for your jam-packed day of homework because you’ve slacked off this week. Let the realizations hit you: School is not over.
This break was a teaser. The bright side? You’ve got seven weeks left.