The Students’ Association will host a donation drive for refugees in the Abilene area until Dec. 9.
Boxes wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper will be in the Campus Center and the SA office to hold donations including hygiene items, clothes and household goods. SA passed a bill two weeks ago to fund $500 for the drive which will provide flyers, other communication and extra items not donated by students.
Representatives for the College of Arts and Sciences, Jenna Salzman and Lauren Wasson, organized the drive. They heard a speaker from the International Rescue Committee during Cultural Awareness Week who said many people donate toys but the refugees don’t need toys as much as household goods.
“Sometimes toys can be kind of expensive,” said Salzman, freshman political science major from Fort Worth. “We may not be able to pay for a twenty-dollar toy, but surely we can donate toothpaste. This is something we can tangibly do as a community that can make a difference.”
Wasson, freshman political science major from Denton, wrote the bill which funded the project. Both students will take the donations to the International Rescue Committee Dec. 9.
Both used and new items will be accepted. Donations can include bedding, small household appliances, cleaning supplies, dishes, cooking items, infant items and personal hygiene items.