TEDxACU organizers chose nine speakers, including one student speaker and one Muslim-American speaker. Dr. Lauren Lemley, the director of TEDxACU, said the committee wanted a variety of speakers with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and areas of expertise. "We try to find so many different talks that at the end of the day everyone can find ... [Read More…]
SA welcomes new representatives for the spring semester
Eight new officers were appointed to the Students' Association for the spring semester after six of last year's officers resigned. Most of the resigned officers stepped down because of time commitments. Abbey Moses, junior political science major from McKinney and executive vice president of SA, said the SA constitution requires officers to ... [Read More…]
ACU supports former staff in tornado aftermath
ACU students, faculty and alumni provided physical and emotional support to a former professor after his home was destroyed by a tornado. On Dec. 26, 12 tornadoes struck the Dallas area and damaged more than 1,500 buildings and homes, according to the National Weather Service. One of the destroyed homes was that of Dr. Michael Harbour, former ... [Read More…]
Startup Week inspires entrepreneurship in different disciplines
ACU's second annual Startup Week inspired entrepreneurship the week before Thanksgiving by connecting students of all majors with various entrepreneurs. Barrett Lewis, student director of Startup Week, said 100 events took place throughout the week. The events, which started at 7 a.m. Monday and continued until 9 p.m. Friday, featured various ... [Read More…]
Onstead Science Center lobby near completion
Construction on the lobby of the Onstead Science Center will be completed before the end of the semester. Kevin Roberts, vice president of Operations, said he thinks it will be fully open by the time students come back after Thanksgiving break. The Quad, the area in front of Onstead, was dedicated last week and is open to students. Roberts, ... [Read More…]
Students continue thread of fighting human trafficking
Three students are holding a presentation Thursday night to inform and inspire other students to end human trafficking. Gabi Ramirez, freshman advertising and public relations major from San Antonio, said the presentation will feature a guest speaker, original slam poetry by Ramirez, a video, and discussion. The speaker is Linda Egle, the ... [Read More…]
Graduate lecture series discusses the apocalypse
A Yale professor will discuss women in Revelation for the Carmichael-Walling lecture series Thursday. Adela Collins is Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation Emerita at Yale Divinity School. Collins will give two different lectures and will answer questions after each one. She will speak on Intertextuality in the Book ... [Read More…]
TEDxACU involves younger generations
TEDxACU is involving young people this year through student speakers and a youth event. The student speaker finalists are Alex Carstens, Ben Cobb and Chelsea Johnson. Cobb will speak about food and nutrition, Carstens will speak about millennials and the stories that shape their identity and Johnson, who's message is titled "The Truth," will ... [Read More…]
Griggs Center takes students to Silicon Valley
Fourteen students explored business culture in the Silicon Valley during fall break. Jim Litton, assistant professor and director of the Griggs Center, and Chad Hutchins ('08) were sponsors of the trip. Students of all majors and classifications were allowed on the trip for a cost of $699 plus plane tickets. Gregg Calvin, a junior information ... [Read More…]
TEDxACU looks for student speakers
TEDxACU is accepting applications for students to speak at the event Feb. 27, 2016. Bailey Cate , senior communication major from Freemont, Nebraska, and intern for TEDxACU, said students can submit a video online. Videos must be a maximum of 18 minutes and are due by midnight on Oct. 23. The creators of exceptional videos will be called back for ... [Read More…]