Attendance has always been one of those things about ACU that I think is taken way too seriously. Class attendance, that is. The fact that teachers can penalize a student's grade just because he or she has missed the class a certain number of times is beyond me. Last time I checked, students pay for classes. Shouldn't we get to decide how we use ... [Read More…]
Attendance policy creates extra stress
The attendance policy at ACU is a pain when the semester wraps up and winds down. Understanding the material and making good grades on all of the tests isn't enough to keep up the grade point average anymore. If students miss class, they are in danger of losing their chance to get their desired GPA. By the end of the semester, students might ... [Read More…]
The Optimist Print Edition: 04.24.13
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Cartoon: Why ACU should remove attendance, Reason #54
Evan's Marks by Evan Marks "Why ACU should remove attendance, Reason #54" ... [Read More…]
Attendence policy should be re-thought
Students pay a lot of money to attend ACU. They should have the right to skip class as much as they want. After a late night of homework, watching movies, playing Xbox or staying out with friends, the last thing anyone wants to do is wake up for an early class. At the beginning of the semester it's easy to skip a class here and there. However, as ... [Read More…]
Class attendance policy is helpful
I respectfully disagree with the rest of the editorial board. Mandatory class attendance is a good thing. I quickly realized in our meeting that I was outnumbered, but I still wanted to share the opposing view. Yes, students (or their parents) pay to go to class, so the argument that they should be able to skip as much as they want holds ... [Read More…]
University attendance policy confuses students
Whether it is psychology, history or math, a student's success in one class is just as critical as it is in any other class. Dr. Nancy Shankle, chair of the Department of English, said, "We find a correlation between class attendance and success in a course." Therefore, students present for classes on a consistent basis tend to receive higher ... [Read More…]
Attendance policy leaves students feeling impending doom
Let us use the scientific method conjoined with philosophy to hypothesize for a moment. Student A is a responsible, knowledgeable individual who receives A's, and to her collegiate dismay, sometimes B's. Student A is on track to graduate on time and attends most of her classes, as opposed to Student B who attends all classes and is in the B and C ... [Read More…]
Don’t want to learn, don’t come to class
College is ultimately students paying teachers for further education. The purpose of attending a university was to learn the necessary material required to be proficient in a specific profession. That idea has seemingly been lost to promises of better job opportunities and higher pay. Today colleges involve lots of money, grades and degrees. ... [Read More…]
More insight on class attendance
I would like to correct some erroneous statements in the Jan. 24, editorial, "Professors violate ACU attendance policy," particularly the statement that "the attendance policy in the Student Guide states that students must attend 80 percent of their classes to pass." The only statement in the Student Guide regarding ... [Read More…]