The article in the Optimist concerning student dress code violations sincerely disturbed me.
The arguments used by the Nelson Dorm Director reminded me of the arguments used by the Taliban for forcing women to wear birkas.
Unfortunately, lust is a problem faced by both men and women, a point not addressed by your article. The photos accompanying your article were only of females, which made the article unbalanced and sexist. Shorts, skirts, and halter-tops have not created the problem of lust nor do they exacerbate it.
Placing such a stern and false responsibility one sex is hypocritical as well as dangerous.
Women have fought to have equal rights and respect for too long to have those rights eroded by false thinking and antiquated ideas about how “Godly” women dress.
A woman’s Christianity cannot be measured by her clothes, but rather the content of her heart, which is only seen by God.
Jodi Bain McCormack
ACU Class of 1996