I’d like to say, first of all, that I agree that the Nov. 13 column (“Loud Chapel singers should turn it down”) may not have been the best way to acknowledge this singing issue. The appropriate way to deal with a difference with anyone would definitely be to speak to them. But the discussion started, and has now continued, differently.
Secondly, I agree that the target of our praise is God, and isn’t intended, necessarily, for the aesthetic pleasure of men. And I also admire the “passionate and zealous desire to worship” spoken of in Wednesday’s editorial. But I don’t believe that the purpose of last week’s column was to “criticize and judge” the worship of others.
Corporate worship is just that…corporate. We all occupy the same space to worship and fellowship together, with single-minded devotion. And because there are so many people with different styles and opinions concerning worship, concessions and compromises have to be made. “If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. (Romans 14:15)”
Singing brings me into the presence of God. It prepares my mind and soul for worship. But when I am distracted by single voices that overshadow the group-whether it be the leader, praise team, or any loud individual-I get pulled in the other direction. It may seem that I’m saying this in selfishness, to preserve my own worship, but I know that others are affected in the same way.
If I were in the habit of worshiping in my underwear (don’t worry, I’m not), would it be okay for me to disrobe in Moody everyday for Chapel? If screaming at the top of my lungs truly connected me with God, wouldn’t I get flack from everyone? Why should it be different for the few who distract many with loud singing voices? I’m not asking that anyone put less of their heart and energy into their singing-I would surely be in the wrong. I only ask that each person consider the others present when they are worshiping.
-Charles Jones
junior youth and family ministry major from Lewisville