I’m responding to last week’s letter from the editor about the blurred lines between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. After reading the letter over several times, I can’t help but notice the inaccuracies and blatant inconsistencies. The distinction is clear between the two parties.
Just the very idea that Republicans are more liberal than Democrats is laughable. I don’t understand how tax cuts can even be considered liberal. Liberals are always the ones maintaining the growing cycle of perpetual taxation and spending to maintain big government and oftentimes failing social programs. Howard Dean, current Democratic presidential frontrunner, has already made a campaign promise to erase the Bush tax cuts, meaning he will raise your taxes.
For those that do not follow politics closely, you must understand politics is a game. Republicans are, in fact, liberalizing some issues, but are overwhelmingly more conservative than your average Democrat. The Republican Party is bending, but not breaking on many of the issues. Keep in mind next year is an election year and they must get the votes; otherwise they will have no power to influence anything. Regardless of the Republican Party expanding its base to ensure victory, there is a very clear distinction between Democrats and Republicans.
Last week’s article said social conservatives push something as silly as a Constitutional amendment determining the definition of marriage, even though conservatives believe the issue should be left for the states to decide. They did! The Texas Sodomy Law was struck down by an activist Supreme Court, remember?
The social conservatives are repeatedly overturned at the state level. Their only other option is to legislate through the federal government to prevent another liberal assault on the institution of marriage. Anyway, what is silly at all about conservatives attempting to protect the sanctity of marriage?
The very idea that religious Republicans have long been against conservatism is ludicrous. I remind you the public display of the Ten Commandments, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Boy Scouts are under assault; not by religious Republicans but by liberal Democrats and their overpaid atheist ACLU lawyers.
Brad Woolsey
sophomore political science major from Ojai, Calif.