To the Editor:
The article about me that you ran on the editorial page on Nov. 14 touched me in a way that no other retirement-type tribute could do.
I have loved all my jobs at the ACU Library-the director’s job most of all-because of the work itself (never a dull moment except maybe during certain meetings); because of my great colleagues; but mostly because of the ones I’ve really worked for: the students.
When one of them comes out with such a nicely-worded, specific work of appreciation-well, my cup runneth over.
I wish I could remember the name of the young man who interviewed me several weeks before the editorial ran. He is a skillful writer.
Please let him know how grateful I am for the generous assessment.
It wasn’t just me bringing about these necessary changes, you know; I have worked with some very capable people on campus and off. It takes teamwork to make real advances. But it was good of him and you to turn the spotlight on just one ACU librarian for a few minutes.
Thank you from the bottom of the heart you warmed so graciously.
Marsha W. Harper
Senior Librarian, Brown Library