Re: The Optimist, August 27. “Freshman: don’t be too cool” by Sarah Carlson, copy editor
After giving your article some thought, I’m pretty offended by some of the “don’ts” that you included and felt that you were bashing the freshmen. What if a high school senior happened to read this article and got the impression that all the upperclassmen bash the freshmen for acting like freshmen?
Here are more specific thoughts included in the order that was written in the paper:
1. As far as loitering, freshmen don’t have a set pattern of where we sit yet. Give it time and we won’t have to “loiter.” As far as the mailboxes go, yeah, it gets congested, but what do you expect when 4,000 people have little free time to check their snail mail? I try to get in and out of there ASAP.
2. I’m a freshman, and today (August 28) was the first time in a week and a half that I’ve driven my car, and that was to make sure I knew how to get to Beltway Park church.
3. Trust me, I don’t, nor does anyone I know, act like they know everything.
4. I’ve heard of stories about the “too cool” attitude but don’t know anyone personally, well, one, but that’s it.
5. I am definitely using this time to change who I am and get away from the high school image, really hard.
6. I love my classes and don’t complain, and as far as the meal plan goes, yeah, I ordered too many, but now I know, and I’m just going to get less. It’s not a complaint, just a mistake.
7. I love my U100 class; three of my good friends so far I met in that class, and trust me, I have friends that are upperclassmen, and I have hardly talked to them because they are always studying.
Anyways, as far as your writing, it’s great. I just didn’t like the content.
Kyle Byrd
freshmen accounting and finance major from Wichita Falls