Look, I’m not trying to advocate girls walking around in lingerie, but maybe it’s time to relax a little bit. As an alumnus of a very conservative Christian college, it’s a little frustrating sometimes to watch people over-react to little things. It isn’t the job of an institution of higher learning to legislate the manner in which someone dresses. I understand that the university wants to maintain a certain seperate-ness from the rest of the world, but let’s not be too judgemental. I live in a warm part of the country–I can tell you first-hand how uncomfortable it is to be covered up when the weather is hot. Let’s not be militant about it. Let people dress comfortably.
Nathan Mowrer
Sales Representative
Thank you so much for addressing this issue. I’ve been disappointed with the choice of attire on campus. I feel very strongly about our responsibility to our brothers, especially those in Christ. We are called to a higher standard. Thank you so much for not backing away from this issue. Sisters, remember whose you are–your body has been bought, and it is the temple of our Lord.
Laura Davis
freshman undeclared major from Eustace