As a pledge class, that which we have not sought to do, we have inadvertently accomplished through our actions. We do not deem ourselves higher than the spirit of Chapel, and by our actions we have spoken otherwise. We shamefully acknowledge our disrespect and rudeness when we decided to put ourselves above others.
Please accept our sincere apology, Mr. Randy Harris, for disrespectfully interrupting you from your lesson. We certainly did not intend to do so with our actions during Chapel.
Please accept our apology, student body and faculty, for distracting you from listening to the truth that was being presented.
And please accept our apology, those of you who were in the process of being changed and moved by the spirit of God.
It is not our goal to be a nuisance and a stumbling block to others.
We truly want to strive to capture the heart of Christ. However, we make our poor decisions, like everyone.
We are not attempting to diminish responsibility. We humbly acknowledge our own humility and pray that you will forgive us.
Whereas some may not deem this a big deal, it is not up to us to determine the severity of the situation but to seek to amend wrongdoing.
It is our hope that Chapel would remain a time of worship and teaching that would serve as daily reminder of those who we are. Again, we apologize for our rash disturbance in Chapel.
May the Lord bless you this day.
The Sibling Pledge Class
2005 Gamma Sigma Phi Men’s social club
On behalf of the members and pledges of Gamma Sigma Phi, we owe and wish to extend to you an apology for what happened on Oct. 17, during Chapel.
We behaved in a way that was completely disrespectful to every person in Moody. We distracted and disrupted and had no good reason for doing it.
Many have worked tirelessly to create an atmosphere in Chapel that is condusive to change lives.
We are sorry for what we did and will do our best to live with ACU’s mission in mind from here on out.
Luke Reeves
President of GSP