I am disappointed with some people’s choices during Chapel this Monday.
Randy Harris, instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry, started a talk about troubles concerning faith. In case you weren’t there, Harris stepped down off the Chapel stage, told all the believers to pray and proceeded to relate to the remaining crowd his own struggles with faith. What a great, honest and applicable Chapel for all.
Then, while Harris was talking, while people were praying and while students were listening, there was a loud stomp and synchronized leg switch from the back area of the Chapel floor. Students who were listening started laughing, and everyone’s focus on faith was stolen by a social club’s ridiculous stunt. This disruption was so much worse than the occasional cell phone ring. It was a plan to be distracting and it was executed in the middle of Harris’ talk. It was a rude and selfish choice.
Chapel is not an audience for social clubs or tricks. It’s a time to forget what color you’re wearing and focus your loyalty on the holy God that we serve.
I am disappointed in the example that these men have set for the rest of the student body. It is not cool or funny to be blatantly rude in a worship setting. Students should have the right to listen in Chapel and spend some time thinking about their spiritual life. We are spiritual beings with bodies made of dust. Our faith is real, and God is real. Take it seriously.
Lauren Graham
Study Abroad coordinator
Class of 2005