AIDS and HIV are quickly becoming a major pandemic across the world, and it does not appear to be getting any better. According to an Associated Press article, the number of global AIDS cases is steadily rising and may soon become the third-largest cause of death in the world.
AIDS is an issue that has been discussed to great extent in recent years but little progress has been made. The primary areas affected are sub-Saharan Africa, but now much of Asia and Eastern Europe also. According to the United Nations and the World Health Organization, the majority of new cases are because of drug use and unsafe sex, showing that despite a wide range of information, people are either not being well-informed or just ignoring everything.
Numbers can often have a numbing affect, but they will not go away until more people get proactive and do something. This week is a time when the issue is brought front and center because Friday is national AIDS awareness day. AIDS is not a problem only at this time, it is a constant threat year-round. As young-adults, or “the future” as we are often called, we are a perfect community to begin strong actions, or even small actions, to try to combat this ever-growing problem in the world.
Awake 3:18, the campus AIDS awareness group, is a relatively small but ambitious organization on campus with lofty aspirations and can always use more members. Awake not only has the goal of helping people in the most affected areas but also those right here in Abilene. Many HIV/AIDS patients in America are virtually forgotten amongst all the statistics about AIDS overseas in the developing countries, but they need a lot of help, too. One local group students can work with is Big Country AIDS Resource, which reaches out to the local community to inform the general population as well as helping those affected by AIDS locally.
College students are an active group and one of the biggest things that can be done to help the AIDS situation, as well as any other problem, is simply to be active in one way or another. Helping doesn’t have to be a difficult thing that keeps you busy all of the time, you can simply do small things to help, many of which you can get involved with through Awake 3:18 and similar groups. Above all, it must be noted that action begins with knowledge; you must be informed to properly act. Statistics, especially in regard to AIDS, can becoming numbing sometimes because there are so many morbid numbers, but even just knowing the issues will help you to be progressive in your actions.
Awake 3:18 gives you a place to get plugged in, not only with the local and national AIDS issues and groups, but also internationally, because this is no small issue affecting small, localized populations. Awake 3:18, as with any other group, has a basis of raising money, but only because it is in constant need. However, that is not all that is needed; there are plenty of other things that can be done to help out in the battle against AIDS. One of the things that can really get you personally active is by simply working with someone or even just talking with someone who is affected. Doing things that directly affect those in need will lead to you feeling better involved and more helpful.
No matter what you do, do something. Even the little things have a strong effect that, when combined with other people doing things, will have a profound effect on the AIDS issue across the world.