The Optimist gives the administration a thumbs-up for its efforts to listen to the students and Chapel surveys.
Inattentive students may not know about the new changes, but Tuesday and Thursday Chapels will offer a variety of small-group chapels to meet diverse needs and spiritual challenges. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Chapel will still meet in Moody Coliseum.
Even though the administration implemented changes after listening, students continue to gripe about Chapel.
The administration is trying to change Chapel for the students, so students need to drop complaints and criticism.
Students knew before their arrival on campus that the university requires daily Chapel attendance.
Why agree to attend ACU if Chapel bothers you? ACU is a Christian, private university, and agreeing to come here means consenting to follow the rules and policies set forth by the administration.
Students may have the right to complain about Chapel, but that doesn’t mean they should abuse that right and whine incessantly about every campus-related bother.
Attending Chapel, which lasts only 30 minutes, may seem like torture, but at least in this country, we enjoy the right to assemble and worship God. Quit taking our freedoms for granted and appreciate how much this country and university blesses us.