The character of a young man has been impugned with vague accusations; and because of the vagueness of the charges, he cannot even defend himself. This could affect his acceptance at law school, any jobs for which he might apply and his reputation for years to come.
It does not even appear to be a legal action.
According to the Student Association Web site ( there are 44 members of the Student Congress. According to news accounts, only thirty-two students voted altogether, including two who abstained. Thirty-three votes in favor should have been required to remove a member of the Executive Board from office, instead of the 25 that were used to pass the motion.
The fact it was allowed to happen in direct contradiction of the Constitution and By-Laws and was sanctioned by faculty members is very questionable.
The SA Constitution says that any student holding an office who fails to meet the requirements of office as specified in the By-Laws is subject to removal from office.
Which of these requirements did Mr. Watkins fail to meet? What proof was presented to show that he had failed in that particular aspect?
The only point that is relevant in the news accounts published is that he is accused of not working 20 hours a week.
Does the Executive Board use time cards? That should be simple to prove.
The rest of what was alleged was personal, vindictive and damaging. Based on the information that has come out, why was this allowed to move forward, and why were the members of the Students’ Association given no chance to even voice an opinion? This was very poorly done by the university.
I have always tried to think the best of ACU, but in this case there is no best.
No one is perfect – and by that I refer to the Executive Board, Student Congress and faculty members involved – but it seems as if rules were bent for this occasion, and that is very disappointing.
I would expect better of any Christian university, but especially ACU. What a disappointment.
June White mother of ACU students