I never understood the reason behind making attendance mandatory.
I understand that ACU has the right to make people go to Chapel since it is a private school, but that doesn’t answer the question of why you would want people in Chapel who do not want to be there in the first place.
Furthermore, if we cannot complain about having to go to Chapel, the administration should not complain about noise being made during Chapel services because, again, you are making people go to Chapel who do not want to be there.
There is a simple answer to this Chapel “problem.” If you want a more quality Chapel experience, make Chapel optional so only the people who want to be there will be there.
P.S. Thank God that ACU has the Chapel “complainers” because without them the school would be about 1/3 the size it is now and would have a hard time paying those expenses without the extra tution money they get from the complainers
Zach Monority
Optimist reader