Why on God’s green Earth would someone feel the need to shout out “Red Robin” in the middle of Chapel? I understand Abilene is not the greenest place God created, but the point still remains – a certain level of respect is due to Chapel, and lately we, the student body, have fallen short.
In Chapel last week, a student melodiously shouted out, “Red Robin” when the audience was quiet between songs.
Most students on campus are required to get 55 Chapel credits every semester. For some of those students, Chapel is merely a social time. Some students relax and listen to music while others just go to sleep. But, (as if this should be a surprise) there are some students that actually enjoy the quick time to assemble for reflection, growth and praise.
Wednesday was “Come to the Quiet”, and someone clearly misunderstood what that meant. Allow me to help. It means that we get 30 minutes to exhale from life. We get to sing praises to our Savior. We get to pray and join others in prayer. We get to meditate.
I’ll be honest, I too sometimes giggle if the song leader obviously missed a note. I too sometimes read a quick text message. And yes, I may even ask the person next to me what they’re having for lunch. But for Heaven’s sake, I wouldn’t lower the pitch of my voice to shout out “What-a-burger!” And although they make burgers just like I like it, I also like Chapel. I love Chapel.
Between 11 and 11:30 am Moody Coliseum is more than just a gym to me, it is a place of worship; it is Chapel. If you don’t share in that sentiment, okay. But please, don’t ruin it for the rest of us. We all have to draw the line for what is too far, or what is too disrespectful. We all see where the person who shouted out “Red Robin” draws their line, where do you draw yours?
-Farron Salley junior advertising and public relations major from Fort Worth