The men and women Intramural Dodge Ball season is scheduled to take place on Apr. 2 through Apr. 4 at the Royce and Pam Money Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Registration is open until 11:59 p.m. Mar. 29. Games will be played on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays after 4:30 p.m. Occasionally games will be played on weekends or Wednesdays as needed as well as some tournaments, which will be played on weekends.
According to Kyle Pinson, assistant of intramural athletics, the maximum person per team is 10 and $10 per team to register.
“T-shirts will be awarded to the first place team,” Pinson said. “A student may not participate in a game until their waiver is signed and on file.”
Last year was the first time Intramural Dodge Ball took place and it at Bennett Gym. Kenli Edwards, Intramural Sports Director, believes last year was a success and believes it will have an even bigger outcome this year.
“I think it has the potential to be awesome, but we need a lot of teams to sign up because that is what will make it over the top fantastic,” Edwards said.
Although each team who enters is set out to reach a similar goal in winning this year’s tournament the main objective is just to have fun with the friends around you. This is why last year’s dodge ball tournament was such a great success and is on the verge of being the same this year, Pinson said.
“I think this year’s dodge ball tournament will be a lot of fun,” Pinson said. “Everyone that signs up gets a cool tank-top.”