I’m single. As a matter of fact, I’ve always been single. I’ve never had a girlfriend in my life.
So, since I am a third culture kid, an illustrator and single, I think I can offer a special look at dating and relationships.
Is it just ACU or do all colleges push students to start dating? It does puzzle me that people think their only chance to find a significant other is in college. I’ve met a few people who are in desperate pursuit of dates. If they dedicated as much time to schoolwork as they did to their relationship status, they’d graduate summa cum laude.
I think those people are on the opposite end of the spectrum from me.
How shall I describe my dating life apart from “nonexistent”? I have been in no rush to find a partner, but I do have my radar open and searching. If I happened to encounter a nice girl, I’d take note of her and keep an eye on her (mind, I’m not talking about stalking her). In the meantime, I’ll just try to be nice to all the girls and get to know a few. Sounds like a good plan, right?
It’s a good plan until I walk back to my dorm and see a couple holding hands or maybe a couple cuddling in the cold. A voice in the back of my head tells me, “Why don’t you have one of those?”
So what have I learned from ACU along the lines of dating? ACU (or colleges in general) really want me to find a partner. I decided to ignore this teaching because even though there may be a chance to find the girl of my dreams here at ACU, there are other dreams that I’m chasing too.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go draw some pretty pictures so I can illustrate for a living in the future.