I’m not going to pretend like I know everything about politics. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers. I’m not going to pretend like this election isn’t a messy one, because honestly, this is the messiest election this nation has ever seen. In full disclosure, I hate politics and the divisive nature of politics and would rather do pretty much anything besides write this column explaining my political views – but as an American citizen who has the right and responsibility to vote, I’m not going to ignore the very real issues facing my country.
This is the first presidential election I’ll be able to vote in, so this is the first election cycle I’ve actually paid attention to – and for the past year and a half, I have watched Donald Trump absolutely tear this country apart. I have watched him spit out racial insults against Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities, mock people with disabilities, threaten to ban Muslims from the United States, revoke the constitutional first amendment rights of journalists, claim he could commit murder and still gain voters, impulsively lie and, most recently, brag about sexually assaulting women – and that’s only a handful of the most alarming things he’s done.
While a candidate’s political policies are very important and central to the election process, I think a candidate’s character is also equally important. In the simplest terms, Donald Trump’s character is not admirable and I cannot, in good conscience, support someone who so vehemently disgusts me and goes against so many of my morals and values.
That being said, I don’t think Hillary Clinton is the perfect answer to America’s problems. Her character isn’t squeaky clean, either, but I do think she has more experience and has offered more practical solutions in her political agenda than her Republican counterpart. But besides gun control, immigration and foreign policy, I don’t agree with her on much – thankfully, I’ve still got a few more weeks left to decide who’s going to get my vote.
But regardless, every four years when a new presidential election cycle kicks off and the Democrats and Republicans take their arguments to a whole new level, I remember that in his farewell address, George Washington warned our nation against the dangers of political parties – and did we listen to our Founding Father? Nope. George must either be laughing, embarrassed or rolling in his grave.