Texas Pre-health seniors began receiving pre-match offers on Wednesday.
The pre-match offers are a precursor to the matching which all Texas pre-health students do in February.
“All of the Texas student’s rank where they’ve interviewed and all the medical schools rank the students they have interviewed and then the students are matched to one medical school,” said Cynthia Powell, chemistry professor and director of the pre-health professions program.
The pre-match offers are the beginning of the end for some pre-health Senior’s who started applying and studying for the MCAT in December of their Junior year. In addition, the pre-health professions program submits their own application packets which contain an evaluation on each student’s undergraduate studies along with letters of recommendation. Furthermore, throughout their undergrad years, pre-health students are exposed to discussions and workshops lead by dean’s from Texas medical schools.
“We have a health proffesions advisory committee, I am the chair of that committee, that committee conducts mock interviews and prepares application packets that can go in with every student who applies,” said Powell.
Ultimately, however, Powell credits the rigorous undergraduate classes the university offers for pre-health students as the most important thing the pre-health program does to prepare students for the MCAT and beyond.