Citizens of Abilene gathered around the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge on Thursday evening to mourn the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other black lives and to listen to city leaders talk about ways to bring change to Abilene. When the speakers finished, a large group of protestors spontaneously crowded the bridge and began marching. Participants peacefully marched from the bridge to Grape street and back. The Abilene Police Department cooperated with protestors and blocked off the streets to prevent cars from causing traffic issues.
- A man attempts to interfere with the peaceful marchers. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Black citizens of Abilene speak to protestors about how to continue supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A leader of the march speaks to the crowd as it ends. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A cardboard cutout of a black man with his hands raised reminds protestors what they are marching for. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A protestor holds up a sign during the march. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Citizens of Abilene march down N. First St. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Protestors march down the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge with their signs. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Two women walk beside each other with signs calling for racial injustice to end. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Protestors raise signs calling for justice for black people who have been killed. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A student raises his rosary while chanting in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Protestors chant while walking down N. First St. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A protestor recognizes his privilege with his sign as he marches. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A group of protestors stands over the bridge and shouts in support of the marchers. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Protestors spontaneously begin marching down the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge after the speakers finish. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Signs calling for change cover the entrance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Joseph Thomas, a local DJ, hugs a friend during the protest on Thursday afternoon. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- The crowd of protestors gathered on the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge prays over the Black Lives Matter movement. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A man demands racial equality. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A group gathers around Mayor Anthony Williams as he addresses the racial injustices in the country. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Protesors hold signs as they listen to speakers. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- Two protestors work together to hold a sign up for the crowd to see. (Photo by Riley Fisher)
- A group of students from Abilene Christian University stands together and holds signs as they listen to Police Chief Stan Standridge speak. (Photo by Riley Fisher)