The New Mexico State Aggies ended a three-game series against the Wildcats with a 12-2 victory at Crutcher Scott Field on Sunday afternoon, leaving the Wildcats standing 5-2 overall. The Wildcats will take on the University of Texas at Arlington Mavericks in Arlington on Tuesday.
- Freshman infielder Brett Hammit throws the ball to first base. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- A Wildcat runs back to second base to avoid getting out. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- A Wildcat misses the ball with his swing for a second strike at bat. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- A Wildcat runs to first base after batting. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- A Wildcat watches first base as he slides into second base. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Sophomore pitcher Connor Carlton sends the ball flying toward the catcher. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Junior infielder Hunter Gieser takes off from home plate toward first base. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Junior infielder Tommy Cruz sprints down the line to first base after batting. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Junior pitcher Austin Ruesch sends the ball hurtling toward the batter. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- The Wildcats watch the end of the game from the dugout. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Freshman infielder Sebastian Randle throws the ball into the infield. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Freshman infielder Cameron Cromer tosses the ball to a teammate. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- A Wildcat swings at the a pitch. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Freshman infielder Cameron Cromer prepares to catch the ball for the final out of the inning. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)
- Freshman infielder Brett Hammit throws the ball across the field. (Photo by Ryland Mallett)