The Abilene community came together Monday to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a peaceful walk through the streets of the city. The annual event gathered hundreds of participants who were united in their support for the civil rights leader’s message of equality and justice for all.
- Airion Simmons, senior liberal studies major from Little Rock, Arkansaw, and Tobias Cameron, graduate criminal justice student from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, walk down the sidewalk. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Members of the ACU community gather together to walk in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Maverick McIvor, sophomore management major from San Angelo, helps walk the sign down the road. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Dylan Howerton, junior accounting major from Katy, and Tay Yanta, sophomore environmental science major from Hobson, walk the street in support of MLK day. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- A woman in a wheelchair is pushed in the MLK day walk. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Members of the ACU tennis team walk in support of the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Members of the Abilene community line the streets in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Rev. Kevin Kelly, pastor at Fellowship Christian Church, gives an inspirational message to the attendees of the walk. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Abilene Mayor, Anthony Williams, gives one of his last speeches as mayor to the attendees. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Members of the ACU football team hold hands in prayer. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Ian Nickerson, Lead Evangelist of the Minda Street Church of Christ, lays hands and prays over the members who organized the event. (Photo by Daniel Curd)
- Members of the Abilene community hold hands as Ian Nickerson, Lead Evangelist of the Minda Street Church of Christ, prays over Abilene. (Photo by Daniel Curd)