Seven choirs from Church of Christ-affiliated colleges and universities will join the A Cappella Chorus to perform at the Christian College Choral Festival at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Cullen Auditorium.
Jeff Goolsby, director of choral activities, said the festival started in 1966 with choirs from schools traditionally affiliated with Churches of Christ performing at a different school every other year. The A Cappella Chorus will participate for the first time since the university hosted the event in 1990.
The event will feature 350 students from Harding University, Lipscomb University, Freed-Hardeman University, Faulkner University, Rochester College, Florida College and Crowley’s Ridge College. The students will rehearse for two days with a clinician, Richard Bjella, director of choral studies at Texas Tech University. The event will end with the concert and each choir will perform two songs followed by a combined performance with all 350 students.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for all the students who come because they’re interacting with their peers from all over the country,” Goolsby said.
Local churches will provide housing, food and transportation for the visiting performers. Goolsby said students in the A Cappella Chorus were prepared since they auditioned last spring to come to Abilene before the semester begins.
“It’s definitely a sacrifice for everyone having to travel back early,” Goolsby said.
The Abilene community can attend the free performance at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Cullen.