Students are constantly bombarded with extracurricular activities. Clubs are popular, but joining a formal organization is not every student’s niche. Instead, students find ways to form their own traditions.
“My plate is too full to pledge, but I schedule my Wednesdays around Glee,” said Preston Watkins, sophomore advertising/PR major from Manassas, Va.
Glee is a new television series that airs on FOX at 8 p.m. Wednesday; the season premiere was Sept. 9.
“I haven’t missed a week,” Watkins said. “I’ve watched every one.” Watkins and three other usuals get together at a friend’s house every Wednesday to watch the show.
Students not interested in TV might enjoy the classic fun of board games.
“We’ve been doing it since, like, the second or third week of school,” said Mitchell McLean, sophomore electronic media major from Abilene, referring to The Settlers of Catan board game. “Usually four of us get together from 10 p.m. to midnight. We have fun when we do it.”
Although a sophomore, McLean decided against pledging this semester.
“It’s just so time-consuming. We just like hanging out without having the rules,” he said.
Freshman Prentice Ashford makes time for ping pong up to twice a day.
“I’m either in McKenzie or Nelson, and just whoever wants to play can play; whoever wants to lose can lose,” Ashford said.
Students can join in an Office party, head to Rosa’s for Taco Tuesday or get out and play disc golf.