The ACU Jazz Ensemble won’t be the only musical accompaniment at the 54th annual Sing Song this weekend. The ACU Orchestra will be joining them on two numbers, a first for the young ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Steven Ward, associate professor of music.
“We have a lot of players and a lot of talent this year,” said Catherine Rozzelle, cellist and senior marketing major from Blackwell.
Ward said eight string players will play the two songs: Eleanor Rigby and Hey Jude by the Beatles.
“My wife, Kristin, and I thought of doing the Beatles tune Eleanor Rigby since the theme is Name Fame,” he said.
Rozzelle said she hopes the Sing Song directors will incorporate more string music into the show next year.
“I think that’ll branch out their musical selections and make it a lot more diverse,” she said.
For many students, Sing Song will be the first time they’ve heard the orchestra, Rozzelle said.
“These songs will be a good way to premier the orchestra because most people think we just play classical music,” Rozzelle said. “Actually there are strings in a lot of famous songs.”