ACU has nominated 108 of its top students to be listed in the 2011 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges directory. Who’s Who lists top scholars who have demonstrated leadership on campuses across the nation and offers scholarships for these students.
Students eligible for nomination must meet a minimum grad point average requirement, have senior standing with the university, have completed at least 90 hours of coursework and demonstrated leadership ability, said Tina Fleet, administrative assistant to the vice president of student life and dean of students and associate vice president of student life.
“ACU sends a list of all eligible seniors to colleges and departments across campus and asks departments to nominate a given number of their students based on the size of the department,” Fleet said.
The Office of Student Life also sends a copy of eligible students to offices that are directly connected to student life such as Service-Learning and Volunteer Resources, the Center for Christian Service and Leadership, Students’ Association, Leadership Camps and others, Fleet said.
“Students can be dually nominated by their college and another office on campus. Often, nominated students stand out in multiple areas,” Fleet said.
;ACU has developed guidelines for its departments and colleges to use when selecting students in addition to the national standards, Fleet said. The university asks departments and colleges to nominate students who demonstrate scholarship ability, participate in academic and extracurricular activities, demonstrate service and leadership, potential for future achievement, leadership, honesty, service, integrity and dependability.
The national list of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges is published once a year in book format and is available for purchase. Scholarships are also available for students on the list.
Bethany Bradshaw, senior English major from Henderson, is on the 2011 Who’s Who list.
“Although I do not plan to purchase the book, because I am a college student with limited resources, it is still an honor to be included,” Bradshaw said.
In 2010, three scholarships were awarded nationwide. The largest was $5,000 in value and the least was $2,000. The scholarships are awarded at random, not based on merit as the entire list is assumed to demonstrate merit.