It’s time we had a serious conversation about the Twitter epidemic plaguing our university: ACU Crushes.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all for social media. I think it’s the bee’s knees, the cream of the crop and the cheese to America’s macaroni. But seriously?
With all of the unnecessary ACU Twitter parodies flying around (I’m talking to you, @GATAFountain), the last thing we need is an outlet for students to send anonymous love letters riddled with bad grammar and overused hashtags.
It’s amusing to see the stream of names and comments coming in from all corners of campus. And I think some kudos are in order. First, a shout out to Nik Grau. The ladies love you. Number 43 on the field, number one in their hearts. Gwin boys, congratulations on having the whole family represented in fangirl tweets. (Don’t worry, Micah Reeves. You’re included in this one.) And props to Lexi French, for being some serious wife material. Ladies, take note.
That being said, you gain nothing by sending in your 140-character “Dear Johns.” At the end of the day, you’re still anonymous. Until you speak up with your own voice, you will continue to be invisible.
This is a campus full of young adults. We have been through years of English classes, grammar lessons and vocabulary quizzes. We have done our fair share of group projects, class presentations and speeches. Schools are teaching us from knee-high-to-a-grasshopper how to speak in society. And, apart from the occasional private school attendee or homeschooler, we are not foreign to co-ed activities.
So, please explain to someone who has taken these lessons to heart and finds merit in face-to-face interactions, what’s with all the anonymity? How many love stories began with, “Well I sent her an anonymous message on Twitter?” None.
Gentlemen, Romeo didn’t send Juliet a carrier pigeon with a letter saying, “You look beautiful from outside your window. Love, Anonymous.” He scaled walls just to speak to her. In The Notebook, Noah didn’t just stare at Allie from afar, chatting with his friends about her great assets. He dangled from a ferris wheel to get her attention. If they can face imminent danger for love, you can walk across the Bean and introduce yourself to the pretty girl from your psych class.
Ladies, we aren’t off the hook either. We all saw Up. Ellie made the first move on Carl, and thus was born one of the most beautiful love stories ever to be told during the opening credits. Now, I’m not saying you have to be as forward. (It’s not as cute when you have all of your teeth, and I don’t think we could pull off the aviator cap like she does.) But put yourself out there. Dip your toe in the water.
It’s time to put down the phones and pick up the pieces of a society clinging to anonymity like the baby blanket that we outgrew years ago. Step outside of your comfort zone. And for Pete’s sake, stop with all of the #marrymes. Nobody likes a beggar.