The Neon Parrot Lounge is planning to start hosting movie nights once a month, starting with the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween at 9 p.m.
A projector screen will show the picture on the backdrop of the stage, and a food truck will be parked out front, allowing the audience a chance to grab dinner before heading inside to eat while watching the film.
The Lounge’s main focus is music, but they’ve hosted several other events such as slam poetry, dance lessons, an ’80s night and a college night. They try to showcase several different genres of music, and so far the audiences have seen jazz, folk, metal, blue grass and a local DJ.
“Since I’ve been working there, the main vision has been to bring quality music performances to Abilene and to create a space that transports people out of the normal Abilene experience,” said MaryCarol Fox, social media manager for The Neon Parrot. “It’s so beautifully unique.”
The Neon Parrot Lounge started last spring semester as a trial run. Every Thursday night, they hosted a night of live music, but the building manager, Andrea Robison, wanted to create a space in Abilene that allowed artists and music lovers to meet and share their common passion, said Fox, who graduated from ACU in August with bachelor’s in marketing.
“Abilene’s music community is experiencing some much needed growth and attention, and the Neon Parrot Lounge was developed at the right time,” Fox said.
After conducting the trial run, Robison decided to turn the building’s focus entirely to music. The building closed during the summer for reconstruction, and since reopening they’ve only hosted live music shows.
Crysta Cook, junior history education major from Abilene, has attended a few events at the Lounge, and said she liked it a lot.
“I do love the atmosphere and the live music,” Cook said.
“This venue is unique in its bold vision,” Fox said. “Our focus is building the entertainment scene in Abilene, educating audiences on new music and providing a stage where artists can come and play a real show.”