The Office of Multicultural Affairs will host an outdoor concert with free food, games and student performances April 21 at the Sanders Intramural Field.
Games will include a dunk tank, water balloon fight, giant Jenga, giant Connect Four, bubble soccer, board games and a raffle. OMA will provide Cajun Cones, burgers and hotdogs.
The Student Cultural Affairs Council, which includes four OMA interns, organized the event after hearing the annual Springfest would not take place this year, said SCAC intern Lindsie Lawson. Throughout the year, the SCAC hosts educational events including Cultural Awareness Week and Sundaes on Mondays, a time for discussion about current events.
“Something we needed to work on as a whole was having a more relational approach,” said Lawson, junior global studies and Spanish major from The Colony. “We wanted to do something that wouldn’t necessarily have an agenda and take the focus off constantly educating students about cultural issues and focus more on just being friends with them.”
The event is co-sponsored by the Campus Activities Board, which provided some funding, and the Students’ Association, which provided resources and funding.