COBA is now accepting applications for students to study abroad in China in July 2019.
Students who attend the trip will have the opportunity to take Global Entrepreneurship (MGMT 419) taught by Jim Litton, associate professor of business and director of Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, and a business law course taught by Andy Little, professor of business law.
The available business law course has not yet been determined but will be either Law and Entrepreneurship (BLAW 365) or Law, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (BLAW 440).
Little said he hopes students gain a deeper appreciation of the complexity and beauty of China and its people.
“It’s an amazing country with a rich history and culture,” Little said. “The people they will interact within China are creative, helpful, and friendly.”
Dr. Little said China resists categorization- the labels used in the West to describe economic and political systems don’t fit into the Chinese reality.
“From a course competency standpoint, I want students to learn about the entrepreneurial culture and ecosystem that is present in China, and be able to understand the way a country’s laws, history and values affect entrepreneurial activity,” Little said.
COBA is planning to take 16-18 students on the trip. Though there is no firm deadline yet, spots will fill up fast.
“I want students to come back humbled, a little disoriented by the vastness of the world’s cultures and wiser and more critical in the way they receive information about other countries and cultures,” Dr. Little said. “I want them to experience the ways God moves and works in other cultures, with an appreciation for local religious and ethical systems.
The China Study Abroad program currently costs $5500, covering airfare, lodging, some meals, transportation, some excursions and cultural activities. Scholarships are available and details are subject to change.
Little said he encourages students who are interested in the China Study Abroad program to contact him or Litton for more information.