The Agricultural and Environmental Sciences club hosted its 68th Intramural Rodeo Friday evening at the Taylor Telecom Arena. Students from sororities and fraternities, as well as members of the AES club and riding team, competed in various events, including steer riding, doubling mugging and calf scramble.
- Matthew Nguyen, sophomore nursing major from Houston, attempts to hold on while competing in steer riding. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Ty Szydlowski, freshman agribusiness major from Argyle, tries to hold a steer down. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Women from Tri Kappa Gamma and Sigma Theta Chi chase their assigned goats into the pen. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Lillie Walthall, freshman psychology major from Keller, rides her horse Caesar in the barrel racing event. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Vischer Pruzinsky, freshman finance major from Frisco, competes with Levi Alvarado, freshman kinesiology major from Hillsboro, on a Galaxy nova team. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Alyssa Chapoy, sophomore animal science major from Del Rio, falls while competing in steer riding. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Lane Medlock, freshman management major from Boyd, and Zachary Sawyer, freshman Bible and Ministry major from Post compete for the Men of Trojans in the doubling mugging event. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Ty Szydlowski, freshman agribusiness major from Argyle, falls off a steer. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Erik Moreno, freshman kinesiology major from Phoenix, Arizona, slides across the arena in a relay while representing Gamma Sigma Phi. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- Carson Dickson, sophomore management major from Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Andrew Flatt, Marketing major from Fort Worth, attempt to pull a steer down while competing in doubling muggling for Sub T-16. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)
- A calf runs across the arena during the calf scramble. (Photo by Ashley Henderson)