An interest meeting for the Study Abroad program will take place Monday from 3 – 4:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Living Room.
Stephen Shewmaker, interim director for the Center for International Education, said all Study Abroad programs through Spring 2014 will be presented at the meeting.
“We are particularly focusing on Fall 2013 and the exciting opportunities students have in South America and Europe,” he said.
Rachel Brown, Study Abroad coordinator, said the meeting is to provide information for anyone interested in one of the upcoming programs. She said “anyone is welcome to attend.”
“We’ll talk briefly about some study abroad FAQs, and then open it up to alumni from various programs and interview them about their experiences abroad.” Brown said. “We’ll also be taking questions from the audience, and then have some time at the end for people to talk in smaller groups with the alumni, as well.”
Brown said all of the semester programs in 2013 and 2014 will run as usual. The Montevideo and Oxford programs will be open during the fall semester, and Montevideo, Oxford and Leipzig during the spring semester.
Brown also said there are six different Study Abroad programs this summer: journalism and mass communication and psychology in Germany, COBA, English and biology in Oxford and French in Lille, France.
The Study Abroad office is currently accepting applications for the summer programs.
Study Abroad alumni have been invited to come to the meeting and speak to those attending.
“I will be speaking for a few minutes, but alumni will be speaking for most of the time, so it’s a perfect opportunity for interested students to get to ask the alumni questions about their first-hand experience,” Brown said.
Applications for the summer and fall 2013 programs are due by March 1.
Brown said students are welcome to visit the Study Abroad Fair Monday – Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Campus Center. At the fair, information will be provided about the programs and students will be able to write notes to those currently studying abroad. Alumni will also be present at the fair to speak with visitors.
Brown said special promotions are happening for students applying for programs next fall. She said anyone interested should get in touch with her for more details.