Ethnos, an annual student-led multicultural show, will take place on Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. in Cullen Auditorium.
The theme of this year’s show is “One World” and will showcase the different international and local cultures that are represented on campus. The goal of this year’s show is to make the students’ culture a part of ACU’s culture, inherently making ACU their home.
Ethnos will feature Sanctify Hip Hop Dance Company, Omega Dance Company and other cultural acts such as African hip hop, Korean pop and Japanese. These acts range from traditional Burundi dances to modern hip hop routines from around the world.
Soo Hun Yoon, one of the student directors of the show, said the International Students Association has been working on rebranding Ethnos.
“This year at Ethnos, we will be having local restaurants and businesses in Abilene showcasing food from all around the world for the audience to taste during intermission,” Yoon said. “We will also have information booths and sales booths by non-profit organizations to raise awareness of and raise support of the great works they do around the world and here in Abilene.”
Yoon said ISA will be featuring VIP section tickets, which include reserved seating, priority entry and free drinks, snacks and food served by attendants all night. Local non-profits and restaurants will also be featured during intermission.
“We are trying hard this year to not only enrich the students’ experience but also the ACU and Abilene community by enriching every aspect of Ethnos,” Yoon said.
Many students are involved in this year’s show and have been practicing four to eight hours a week since the beginning of the semester, and ISA has been putting over 100 hours of planning into the event.
“Ethnos is a gateway for a lot of us to build bridges with both international and local students, find pride in our cultures, and feel appreciated as a part of the ACU community,” Yoon said.
The show is open to all students, faculty and the rest of the Abilene community. Regular and VIP tickets will be on sale in the Campus Center after Chapel. You can also find tickets at