The 2016 Homecoming parade features the theme “Wildcat Tales.”
The theme will combine telling the story of the university or each organizations’ history in combination with storybook or fairytale themes.
Tom Craig, director of student organizations and productions, oversees social club floats while the Office of Alumni Relations oversees other floats and performances. Each organization must pay a $20 entrance fee, according to a document with parade rules from the alumni office.
Organization floats will be inspected by the alumni office and any float violating guidelines or “lacking taste” will be eliminated from the parade and the group must pay a $300 fine.
“Any group showing disrespect to Homecoming Parade Committee members or other groups will be removed from the parade and a fine of $250 will be assessed,” the document states.
Throwing candy or other objects into the crowd will be prohibited to prevent children from running into the crowd, but participants are allowed to hand objects to children and guests lining the parade. Craig said this rule has been in place for 10 years. The alumni office will charge a $100 fine and disqualify any organizations seen throwing candy during the parade.
Social club floats, chants, skits, costumes and giveaways must be approved by sponsors with a final check by Craig onsite before the parade. According to a document with parade rules for social clubs, Craig has three priorities: safety, camaraderie, and appropriateness. “If behavior during the parade is not appropriate, Tom Craig or Alumni Office personnel will intervene,” the document states.
With no set rules for height and width, clubs are responsible for a good height and width that will keep the float from damage throughout the parade. The document sets a good rule for height at 13 feet tall and width at 19 feet wide. Club names must be incorporated into the float design or with students marching in the float.
Floats must line up on ACU Drive between the Williams Performing Arts Center and Sikes Hall between 5:45-6:45 a.m.
Floats will be judged on the following criteria:
- Is the name of organization visible? Judges have to see this to fill out their score sheet.
- Best/most creative application of theme
- Best spirit/enthusiasm of participants
- Best construction, including mechanics or moving elements on your float.
- Best aesthetics and artistic interpretation of concept.
- Most impressive in regard to size, structure and stability.
- Overall audience impact.
Seven judges will fill out score sheets at different spots on the parade route. Winners for the men’s and women’s divisions will be announced toward the end of the third quarter of the Homecoming football game.