The annual Ethnos show will feature its first Nepalese act as students and the Abilene community present cultural performances.
Christi Lim, president of the International Students’ Association, said the organization has already sold several hundred tickets in physical and online sales. ISA also sold T-shirts printed with the event theme “Roots.”
“We have a lot of different acts this year,” Lim said.
Audiences can enjoy 16 performances, including acts by student groups -Omega Dance Company, Shades step team, Sanctify, and Swing Cats. The first ever Nepalese act will feature many Abilene area high school students. Some Hardin-Simmons University students will also participate.
Performances will begin at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets cost $8 for general admission and $5 for a group of ten or more. Preferred seating tickets cost $12.
For a sneak peak at the show,